
443 results

Opinion | Why ride out a bumpy 2024 in Europe

In a year of policy and geopolitical fragmentation a single market isn’t a bad place to be

Opinion | Private equity’s global ambitions hit regulatory realities

Goldman Sachs’s China-backed deals show that stringent due diligence and ethical oversight are essential

Opinion | SEZs hit a critical tax juncture

The reform of international corporate taxation is a gamechanger for special economic zones

The five forces that will shape FDI in 2024

Going into the new year, the contours of the unfolding reglobalisation will become more defined

Opinion | The promise of nature-based infrastructure

New finance models can unlock projects at the crossroads of sustainability and development


Opinion | Fixing the cyber world’s weakest links

Critical infrastructure must improve its poor scores on cyber security readiness

Opinion | Use BITs to plan ahead for disaster

Investors should prioritise treaty protections when structuring foreign investments

Foreword | Harrington Review of Foreign Direct Investment

Tory peer says any ‘residual view’ against using tax revenues to assist companies is gone

Opinion | COP28’s opportunity for multilateral development banks

MDBs must work together to get more private climate finance into developing economies

Opinion | The root of the UK’s FDI problem? Governance chaos

It is unclear who is in charge of foreign investment in the country
